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[[3 columned table]]
| When Received. | Name of Writer. | Date and Purport of Letter. |
| --- | --- | --- |

| July 11th 1867 #414 * | Subsistence Dept. A. B. Eaton Genl. July 11th. Referred to Genl. Geo. W. Balloch C.D.O. Rec'd back. Aug 3d 1874. W.G.P. | Washington July 10th 1867. States that Bt. Capt. A. Summer has issued subsistence rations in excess to that prescribed by the Bureau Manual. |

| July 12th 1867. #415 * | Subsistence Dept. A. B. Eaton Genl. July 12th. Referred to Genl. Geo. W. Bulloch C.C.S. Rec'd back. Aug 3d/74 W.G.P. | Washington July 11" 1867. States that Lieut. J. F. Cululey has issued subsistence stores in excess to that prescribed by the Bureau Manual. |

| July 15th 1867 #416 * | Subsistence Dept. A. B. Eaton Genl. July 15th. Referred to Genl. Geo. W. Bulloch C.C.S. Rec'd back Aug 3d/74 W.G.P. | Washington July 13th 1867. States that Lieut A. C. Peterson has issued subsistence stores in excess to that prescribed by the Bureau Manual. |

| July 15th 1867 #417 | Stewart, John F. July 15th. Referred to Asst. Com'r of N.C. to know if he can advantageously to the Bureau employ this applicant. July 17th Rec'd back with report. E.B. p. 373 Vol. 3 | Washington, D.C. July 12th 1867. Applies for a position in the state of N.C. under the Bureau. Endorsed by S. C. Pomeroy, Senator &c. |

| July 15th 1867 #418. | South Carolina. R. K. Scott. Genl. See S 374. Vol. 10 E.B. p 360. Vol 3. | Charleston. July 9th. Returned letter of Genl. F. D. Sewall A.A.A. Gen. stating that proceeding of a board convened to fix the rental value of 4 rooms on Meeting St at 30 per mo., 2 Brick Buildings at Cor. of Pitt & Bull Sts at $25 per mo. & Basement & one room on 1st floor in a building at Piers [[?]] at $15 per mo. To know if the Qr. Mr. & D.O. shall pay the rent without the approval of the Com'r to the proceedings of the Board. |

| July 6th 1867 #419. | South Carolina R. K. Scott, Genl. See L.B. July 16th 1867. July 16th Returned with the letter of revocation enclosed as requested. | Charleston July 12th 1867. Requests that the appointment of E. M. Stober as clerk be revoked to date from July 31st 1867. |

| July 16" 1867 #420 | Smith T.R. Cash. City Nat. Bank | New Orleans La. July 12th 1867 Wishes the address of J.J. Herrick, formerly (& probably now) an employee of the Bureau stationed at Arlene, Ark. about a year ago. |

| July 16th 1867 #421 | Stone M. July 16". Referred to Asst. Com'r. of D.C. | Granville, Ohio. July 13th 1867. Desires to be furnished with four servants. |

| July 17th 1867. #422 * | Sharp Mary A. See PLB July 19" 1867 file. | Williamsport, Pa. July 5th 1867. Requests transportation from Wmsport. Pa. to Wadmalaw Island S.C. as her schools (Sunday & weekday) are entirely suspended while she is absent from them. |

| July 18th 1867 #423. | South Carolina R.K. Scott. Gen'l. see P.L.B. July 18th 1867. July 18th Approved & referred to C.Q.M. The Asst Com'r of S.C. has been informed of this reference. | Charleston July 12th 1867. Forwards approved proceedings of a board of Officers to fix the rental value of a building near Pinopolis, S.C. required for school purpose, rent at $30.00 per month. |