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[[3 columned table]]
| When Received. | Name of Writer. | Date and Purport of Letter. |
| --- | --- | --- |

|Aug. 23. 1867 #493 | South Carolina R.K. Scott. B. M. G., Asst Commissioner. (3 enclosures.) Land Report in L.&C. Div.- | Charleston August 20. 1867 Forwards monthly reports of Refugees Freedmen and Lands. for July, 1867. File. - |

| August 23. 1867 #494 |  South Carolina R.K. Scott. B. M. G., Asst Commissioner. | Aug 23d- Returned with circularss enclosed. | Charleston August 20. 1867 Requests that he be furnished with twenty five copies of Circular 1, Bu Hd Qrs account series |

| August 23. 1867 #495. | South Carolina R.K. Scott. B. M. G., Assistant Commissioner. | Charleston August 16. 1867. Requests that the appointment of J.A. Greene, Agent be revoked, and that he be reappointed at a salary of $150.00 per month to date from Aug. 1 1867. August 26. Returned with appointment |

| August 24. 1867 #496 | South Carolina R.K. Scott. B. M. G., Assistant Commissioner. | Charleston August 28. 1867. Forwards, recommended, for instructions, letter of Mrs. Cornelia Willard, reporting the destitute condition of the old ladies of Charleston, and proposing to rent a building for $1500 per annum to be used as an Asylum for them, and requesting the assistance of the Bureau RF&AL., in the undertaking, &c. - EB. Vol III. p. 478- |

| August 24. 1867 #497 | Stall, Lydia J. Matron. &c | Alexandria, Va., August 16. 1867.  Explains her course of action in her present position.  States, that on assuming her duties she found the destitutes of this Freedmens Village, idle, filthy, and discontented, and the renters using large quantities of Goat stores designed for the destitutes; her efforts to correct these irregularities have caused the clamor raised against her., &c. Aug. 26: Referred to the Asst Comms of DC.-

| August 24. 1867. #498 | Subsistence: M. D. S. Simpson, Asst. Comm's Genl of - | Washington City August 28. 1867. Inquires the present address of Col. J.W. Bissell of the Engineer Regiment Mo. Vols., & Agent Bureau R.F. &c. Aug 27: Referred to the Asst. Comms of Miss for information. Sept 9th Rec'd detachment report |

| August 26. 1867. #499 | South Carolina: RK. Scott. B. M. G., Asst Comms, State of - | Forwards, approved, report of a Board convened to fix the rental value of real estate acquired for Bureau purposes at Mt. Pleasant, S.C. (Monthly rent fixed at $12.50/100.) Aug. 27. Referred to the C.Q.M.- See PLB. Vol IV. Aug 27. 1867.- |

| August 26. 1867. #500 | South Carolina: R.K. Scott, B.M.G., Asst Comms State of - | Charleston, August 22 1867. Forwards, approved, application of the Misses Chase tenchers of Freedmen, for a refunding of their travelling expenses from Charleston, S.C., to Worcester. Mass (2 encl) Aug. 27: Released to the C.Q.M.- Feby 18th, 1868. Recd. back with report & returned to C.Q.M. See EB p 260 Vol 4 |

| August 26, 1867 #501 | Swope, John - From the War Dep't. to Land & Division. Recd Back and filed | Melrose, Ills., 1867. Requests information in relative to confiscated lands in the South |

| August 26. 1867 #502. * | Smoot. W.H., Filed | Baltimore. Md. 1867. Desires a position. |

Transcription Notes:
This page was marked for review. It was extensively incomplete.