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[[3 columned table]]
| When Received. | Name of Writer. | Date and Purport of Letter. |
| --- | --- | --- | 

| July 9th 1867 # 237 | Virginia O. Brown. Genl. | July 9th Transmitted | Richmond June 25th 1867 Forward to Asst. Comr. of Ma. letter of [[A.J.Jackson??]] stating that Mary Ellen Spriggs desires that inquiries be made for her brother Chas Daniel & Clayton [[Wegshead??]] sold to Mobile, Ala. | 

| July 10th 1867 # 238 | Virginia O. Brown Genl | Richmond July 19th Forwards letter of Capt [[N.M. Brooks?]] transmitting papers relating to claims of Russell Bradley (cold.) of Charles  City Co. for supplies furnished during the war. E.B. p351 Vol 3 Feby 19" 57 Recd back with report see E.B. p.358 Vol 4 |

| July 11 1867 #239 | Virginia O. Brown Genl | Richmond July 9 1867. Requests that the appointment of Winslow [[Aldordice?]], Clerk, be revoked to date June 20th and that Geo. T. Brown be appointed Clerk at $25 monthly salary from June 30th 1867 and [[Alderdice??]] discharge. See L.B. July 10th 67. July 10th. Returned with appointment for for Mr Geo. T. Brown, and letter revoking the appointment of Mr Winslow [[Alderdice?]] enclosed |

| July 26 1867 #240 | Virginia O. Brown Genl file | Richmond June 29th 1867. Forwards roster of Officers, Civilians, Agents, & Clerks on duty in his Dist for July 1867. |

| July 12th 1867 #241 * | Virginia O. Brown Genl. See L.B. June 28th 1867. See L319 Vol 11. | Richmond July [[?]] 1867. Returns letter of Genl. F.D. Sewall enclosing statement of [[?]] Wedson (cold) former slave of Miss Jane of Fredericks Co Va. requesting an investigation and report in the case. With report of Capt. [[?]] States that nothing can be found in the records of County Clerks Office but a deed of Emancipation liberating a number of [[?]] [[?]] the rest. Find no deed of land conveyed by Miss Jane to [[T. Henson?]] nor any record of any will in either the County or [[?]] Clerks Office. Cannot learn whether there have been any promising made for the support of of [[F. Hedson?}} from the State of the Estate of Sarah Jane. It has been reported by those who profess to know that Miss Jane did not die in Winchester Va. but [[?]] in Wheeling, W. Va or Philadelphia Pa. Cannot the [[?]] of parties bring in Fredrick C acquainted with the circumstances, be furnished. file. Copy of Capt Chandler's endorsement sent to S.C. Logan. L.319 Vol 11 1867 |

| July 9th 1867 #242 | Virgina O. Brown Genl. File | Richmond July [[?]] 1867. Forwards Reports of Refugees & Freedmen for the month of May 1867. |

| July 13th 1867 #243 | Virginia O. Howard Genl. | Richmond [[?]] 1867. Forwards to the Asst. Comr of N.C. letter of Lt. Hambrick A.S.A.O., stating that Betsy Burgess (cold) complained that her husband was employed by R.B. Whitehead (last year) was Weldon Halifax Co N.C. for part of the crop. This had no settlement. also Whitehead employed her children & does not pay her a cent of their wages, that Whitehead sells whiskey to her boy to pay his wages & requests that can be investigated by the proper authorities. July 13th. Transmitted to A.C. of N.C. |