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The Akron Art Institute
Leroy W. Flint, Director

May 18, 1965

Mr. Germain Seligman
Jacques Seligmann & Co., Inc.
5 East 57th street
New York 22, New York

Dear Germain:
I'm delighted to tell you that the Akron Art Institute wishes to add to its collection the Claude Lefebvre "Portrait of a Magistrate". It is our understanding that our price will be $6,300. which conforms to the percentage offered in your letter of December 15, 1964. (That is, $7,000. less 10%.)

Our trustees have requested that we be able to postpone payment until after July 1, 1965 in order not to lose interest on the amount which is presently in a savings account. We hope that this will not be an inconvenience to you.

The Millet will be returned to you as soon as we can get it packed.

You have been very kind and patient with us and we deeply appreciate it.

With my warmest personal thanks and best wishes.

Leroy Flint


69 East Market Street   Akron, Ohio 44308   Telephone 376-9185   Area code 216
Aok-  cc GS Paris 5/21 p.7