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New York, N.Y. 10022 June 21, 1977 Dear Mr. Goddison, These lines will answer your letter on June 10th inquiring about data concerning three drawings from the late Paul Grigaut collection. As you will recall ,the latter was a very careful purchaser who was anxious to obtain the maximum of information regarding his purchases, and information which he enjoyed checking upon. I am thus able to forward to you herein a large amount of material which I am certain Mr. Grigaut was provided with. You will enjoy, no doubt, going over these sheets for they constitute a valuable source of reference. I should point out, however, that the Portrait of a Woman attributed to Augustin Saint-Aubin was acquired from this firm by Mr. R. Tannahill of Detroit. It is thus evident that this portrait became part of the Grigaut collection via Tannahill's. There is very little more I could add about this drawing, except pointing out its merit as regards quality and refinement when it was acquired by me in 1968. Answering another of your queries, these three drawings were acquired by me in Paris from well-known collectors who never-the-less, off and on, were willing to part with some of their assets. Trusting this letter will fulfill your desires, Sincerely yours, Germain Seligman Mr. Michael Goodison Research Assistant The University of Michigan Museum of Art Ann Arbor, Michigan 48104 Enc. TP