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October 5, 1972 Dear Charles; Pursuant to your most pleasant visit of today, I am sending you herein photostatic copies of the descriptions and data connected with the three works of art we are happy to lend to your exhibition. I am also indicating their selling prices, which will serve you as guidance for the insurance you intend taking, while these works of art are in your Museum and in transit both ways. DESHAYS, Jean-Baptiste, "The Plague at Athens" $8,000 (eight thousand) PRUD'HON, Pierre-Paul, "L'Ame Brisant les Liens l'Attachent a la Terre" $7,000 (seven thousand) VINCENT, Francois-Andre, "Le Peintre Appelles" $1,200 (one thousand, two hundred). I understand that the exhibition you are planning will take place in the very near future, and that you will give instructions to have these items called for next week. May I ask you to be good enough to let me know the approximate duration of your show, and may I also remind you of the delicate character of the frame around the painting by DESHAYS. With all good wishes for the success of your undertaking, and with best regards, Yours, Germain Seligman Mr. Charles H. Sawyer Director The University of Michigan Museum of Art Alumni Memorial Hall Ann Arbor, Michigan 48104 TP