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March 23, 1972 Dear Mr. Sawyer; It is a long time indeed since I have had the pleasure of seeing you, and I am wondering whether you could put my galleries on your list of visits when you are next in our city. Besides the enjoyment of chatting, there are two items which I believe could hold your attention, remembering your interest in architectural and decorative works of art. They are both most modestly priced, but are definitely of merit, in view of ther subject and medium. One is a drawing, and the other a terra-cotta modelo. May I express the hope that these lines will find you in good health, and that I may say à bientôt. With all good wishes, Sincerely yours, Germain Seligman Mr. Charles H. Sawyer Director Museum of Art University of Michigan Alumni Memorial Hall Ann Arbor, Michigan 48104 TP