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THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN MUSEUM OF ART ALUMNI MEMORIAL HALL ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN 48104 December 1, 1969 Mr. Germain Seligman Jacques Seligmann & Co., Inc. 5 East 57th Street New York, New York 10022 Dear Mr. Seligman: In reference to your letter of November 22, I would welcome the opportunity to see a photograph of the drawing by Johann Arhardt to which you refer. Unfortunately, because of the commitments we have recently made to secure a considerable number of objects from the collection of our late colleague, Paul Grigaut, it seems unlikely that we will be able to acquire it in the immediate future. I do not, therefore, feel justified in asking you to give us a reserve on it. I hope to be in New York at the end of January and will plan to pay you a visit at that time. Cordially, Charles H. Sawyer Charles H. Sawyer Director CHS:ks