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September 8, 1969

Dear Mr. Sawyer:

If your so very nice letter of August 19th was not acknowledged earlier it is because, as usual, my galleries were closed during the month of August.

Do have my thanks for your kind lines and for the splendid catalogue of THE WORLD OF VOLTAIRE you were so good as to forward. It is a record which is particularly dear to me for it is, as you write, a memorial to Professor Paul Grigaut, whom I much admired for his knowledge, his taste, as well as for his charming sense of humor. 

If additional copies are available, as you suggest, I would indeed be glad to receive a second one.

I feel very happy that once more my Firm was able to co-operate with your so very worthy institution.

With best personal regards,

Sincerely yours,

Germain Seligman

Mr. Charles H. Sawyer 
Museum of Art
University of Michigan 
Alumni Memorial Hall
Ann Arbor, Michigan 48104