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May 2, 1969

Dear Mr. Sawyer:

It gives me much pleasure to learn of the public acclaim your exhibition THE WORLD OF VOLTAIRE is receiving. But how unfortunate that dear Paul Grigaut could not have seen this gathering of works of art which would have meant so much to him - [[strikethrough]] [[?]] [[/strikethrough]] the fruit of his taste and erudition.

Mr. Frederich J. Cummings, Assistant Director of the Detroit Institute of Arts, has just expressed the desire - were it possible - to show the painting by DESHAYS - "The Plague at Athens" to the Director and Trustees of his Museum. Therefore, would you mind, at the close of your exhibition, next Saturday, holding this painting at Mr. Cummings disposition ?  He will no doubt communicate with you as to the steps he intends taking in this respect. Would you be good enough to let me know whether you have any objection to proceeding in this manner. 

Thus, there would be only the two drawings by COCHIN to return to my Firm.

May I further impose upon your courtesy in asking for a copy of the exhibition catalogure - I had written to your Publications Department for one, but in vain.

Thanking you in advance for your kind help, and with best personal regards,

Sincerely yours,

Germain Seligman

Mr. Charles H. Sawyer
The Museum of Art
University of Michigan
Alumni Memorial Hall
Ann Arbor, Michigan 48104

cc. Mr Cummings, Detroit
cc. O.P