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December 19, 1968

Dear Mr. Grigaut:

Do have my thanks for your nice letter of December 17th which I was glad to receive when I returned to the galleries after a disagreeable bout with the Hong Kong flu.

I am happy to know that you intend including the painting by DESHAYS and the two drawings by COCHIN in your exhibition "The World of Voltaire". Herewith you will find the lender's sheets duly filled in.

May I call your attention to the delicate XVIIth century carved wood frame which surrounds the DESHAYS. As regards the shipment we have set the dae of March 1st, but, of course, you may find it preferable to have a global shipment of all items stemming from New York. 

By an amusing coincidence, a few minutes ago I opened the Bulletin of your Museum which had remained in abeyance which I was laid up. How impressed I am with the excellent article you wrote on BARON PÉRIGNON. Ixtthus [[It thus]] gains now the pre-eminence it truly deserves. 

With all good wishes for the success of your undertaking and for a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year, in which Mrs. Parker joins me.

With warm regards,    
Germain Seligman

Mr. Paul L. Grigaut
Associate Director
Museum of Art
The University of Michigan
Alumni Memorial Hall
Ann Arbor, Michigan 48104

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