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December 6, 1968

Dear Mr. Grigaut:

"The World of Voltaire" as theme of an exhibition is indeed quite fascinating and I wish I could be of help in your undertaking.  I assume you will want to obtain the loan of the marble bust of Voltaire by HOUDON, of the De Young Museum, San Fransisco.  However, were it to involve too great a responsibility, and expenses, you will remember, of course, the small marbles by ROSSET who portrayed the philosopher several times.

Quite a few years ago I owned a drawing by CARMONTEL - "Les Malheurs de la Famille Callas" - which would be of capital importance, in view of the role Voltaire played in pleading their cause.  It is now in the hands of a Paris collector and I doubt that it would be available.  But I am under the impression that CARMONTEL carried out several versions of the subject and, if I remember correctly, one was in the DAVID-WEILL Collection - but where now?

Among my own possessions, I could suggest two original drawings by COCHIN which were used for the engravings of the highly praised FABLES DE LAFONTAINE published in 1755.  Also, a painting by DESHAYS, whom Denis Diderot wrote that he was the best artist of his time.  And a very large drawing by Moreau le Jeune in which a classical influence is already quite noticeable.  In fact, I would not be surprised if none of these were to fit in your scheme, but you will recall that "la plus jolie fille du monde........."

If anything further comes to my mind, as you know, I would be only too happy to communicate with you.

Do kindly remember me to Mr. Sawyer, and with warm regards,

Germain Seligman

Mr. Paul L. Grigaut
Associate Director
Museum of Art
University of Michigan
Alumni Memorial Hall
Ann Arbor, Michigan 48104

By hand of Lale Sr

Transcription Notes:
Name in second paragraph hard to make out due to overtyping. From letters that are readable, believe it is Denis Diderot, an art critic, that would be consistent with Deshays time period.