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New York, New York 10022
October 25, 1967

Dear Mr. Grigaut:
It is in your capacity of editor of the ART QUARTERLY that I am sending you these lines, in the hope they will find you in good health. 

May I inquire whether, en principe, you would be interested n a study Mrs. Seligman and I have written in connection with a XVIIth century marble statue in the National Gallery, Washington?

Would such a topic come within the scope of the subjects you wish to publish? Moreover, in view of the popularity of your magazine, you may already have a long waiting list of articles which would come ahead of ours. 

My Firm will shortly hold its yearly MASTER DRAWINGS exhibition - a catalogue will be mailed to you momentarily - and I hope that this will give me the pleasure of seeing you soon again. 

Thanking you in advance for your kind answer, and with best personal regards,

Sincerely yours,
Germain Seligman

Mr. Paul L. Grigaut
Associate Director 
Museum of Art
University of Michigan
Alumni Memorial Hall
Ann Arbor, Michigan 48104

c c Mrs GS 11/25