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The University of Michigan Museum of Art
Alumni Memorial Hall Ann Arbor

February 28, 1967

Mr. Germain Seligman
5 East Fifty Seventh Street
New York, N. Y. 10022

Dear Mr. Seligman:
As you know I was very much taken by the Jacques Dumont Bozzetto, and I hoped that we might be able to aquire it. However, at out Trustees meeting yesterday our Committee was not as enthusiastic as I hoped they would be. Therefore, I feel that it is best if we do not purchase the piece, at least not at this time. I am sorry about this, but I am sure you realize my position. Within a few days I shall return the material to you.

Cordial regards to both of you and sincere wishes.
Yours sincerely,
Paul Grigaut

Paul L. Grigaut
Associate Director
