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August 10, 1965

Temporary Address: R.R. l
Cross Ridge Road
New Canaan, Conn.

Dear Mr. Grigaut:

It is pleasant to hear from you and particularly to learn how happy you feel in your new post.

Mrs. T. D. Parker  has just forwarded to me your letter of August 3rd and, as you know, I am most anxious to be of help and cooperate in your very interesting exhibition. Unfortunately, I have with me neither my listings nor, what is also quite important, our commitments already made to other museums for the next season. But as soon as I shall be back in town, shortly after Labor Day, I will let you know what watercolors - I gather you do not with any plain ink or pencil drawings - would be available.

However, there are several from our private collection - this not for sale - which both Mrs. Seligman and I would be happy to lend - a Lion by Barye, an important Gustave Doré, several by Eugene Lami, and one by Harpignies. Will you be good enough to let me know whether any of these would be within the scope of your undertaking? All details pertaining to these would follow bye and bye.

Meanwhile, with warm regards,


Germain Seligman

Paul L. Grigaut, Esq.
Associate Director
Museum of Art
The University of Michigan
Ann Arbor, Michigan