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New York 22, N. Y.

May 8, 1962

Dear Dr. Chetham:

The impressive catalogue of "A Generation of Draughtsmen" has just reached me and not only do I wish to thank you for forwarding it, but I would like to add my congratulations on the character of your exhibition. 

You have succeeded in giving a very unusual representation of this most interesting period in art and furthermore you have brought out to the fore anew a number of artists with whom even art lovers are hardly acquainted. 

Moreover, your very learned introduction, as well as the carefully worked out biographical notes make the catalogue a most useful record, which I am indeed happy to have in my library. 

I am glad to have contributed in a very small way to your most revealing undertaking which I trust will have the success it truly deserves. 

With all good wishes, 

Sincerely yours, 

Germain Seligman

Dr. Charles Chetman, 
Assistant Director
Museum of Art
The University of Michigan
Ann Arbor, Michigan