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New York 22, N. Y.
March 8, 1962

Dear Dr. Chetham:

This morning, upon my return to town, I found the correspondence exchanged between you and Mrs. T. D. Parker from which I was sorry to learn that the Angrand "Farmyard" drawing would not be available for your exhibition.

On the other hand, I remember my saying that were you not able to obtain elsewhere any drawing by Seurat, I would consider lending one of the two we have at home.

In view of this, do let me know whether you have succeeded in having this artist [[strikethrough]] on your [[/strikethrough]] represented in your show?  Also, whether in the negative, there would still be time to include mine in your catalogue?

I do hope that your efforts in gathering this material are fruitful.

Will you please remember me to Mr. Sawyer, and with best regards,
Sincerely yours,
Germain Seligman

Dr. Charles Chetham,
Assistant Director
Museum of Art, University of Michigan
Ann Arbor, Michigan



Transcription Notes:
[[The unknown word in paragraph 3 has the word "represented" legible and it seems to be printed over or under "on your" , unknown on what should be done]] It appears to me typing from behind. I believe represented is the only word needed here. [[Also unsure if the weird looking 3 at the bottom of the page is actually a 3]] No - it's just how he initials documents.