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February 17, 1962

Dear Mr. Chetham:

Unfortunately your letter of February 15th arrived just after Mr. Germain Seligman had left the country for several weeks and, there[[strikethrough]]for[[/strikethrough]]fore, it has been opened by me.

He will of course communicate with you on his return, but, meanwhile, I can tell you that the ANGRAND "Farmyard" has been purchased and is no longer available from our stock.

Enclosed, you will find a photograph of the MONET, "Chaumière à Gueneville", as I understand that you wish to reproduce it in your catalogue.  This is sent with Mr. Seligman's compliments.

I am not free, however, to say whether or not he would be willing to I lend one of the SEURATs in his own collection.

I should also mention that we are enclosing the description of the MONET.
Yours very sincerely,

Mrs. Theress D. Parker
on behalf of
Mr. Germain Seligman

Dr. Charles Chethum,
Assistant Director
University of Michigan Museum of Art
Alumni Memorial Hall
Ann Arbor, Michigan

Encls. (2)

Transcription Notes:
[[first paragraph "therefore," has "fore," printed one letter over and ontop of the original word]] [[In the fifth paragraph the word lend is seen as well as the leter I, unsure of what should be done]]