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September 17th., 1940.

The Institute of Modern Art,
270 Dartmouth Street,
Boston, Mass.

To, Mr. James S. Plaut
    Mr. Duncan Phillips
    Dr. Grace McCann Morley

Dear Sirs and 
Dear Lady:

I am in receipt of your letter of September 12th., in which you request me to lend to your institutions, two paintings by GEORGES ROUAULT.

I am sorry to inform you that I have no paintings by this artist at present. It is perfectly correct that several years ago I owned pictures by Georges Rouault, but they were sold and as they were purchased by Europeans, they would not, unfortunately, be available for your great enterprise.

I do indeed feel sorry not to be able to cooperate with you, the more so as I feel sure that under your efficient guidance this exhibition will be of the utmost importance.

Wishing you all possible success in 
your endeavor, I am

Yours very sincerely,

(Germain Seligmann)