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February 5, 1962


Mr. Germain Seligman
Jacques Seligmann & Co., Inc.
5 East 57 Street
New York 22, N.Y.

Dear Mr. Seligman:

I am very pleased to inform you that I have found a home for the large conté crayon drawing by Charles Angrand, Cour de Ferme". It has been enthusiastically purchased by Mrs. Thomas B. Card, 89 Pinckney Street, Boston. You may possibly have known Mrs. Card in her former marriage to the late Thomas Metcalfe of Boston. She is the sister of Richard Paine, one of our Trustees; daughter of Robert Treat Pain, [[strikethrough]] for [[/strikethrough]] whom the Museum may thank for our two fine Boucher and Fragonard drawings. Would you please send Mrs. Card the bill at her Pinckney Street address.

I hope to settle the fate of the other three drawings by the end of the week, and will advise you accordingly. Meanwhile, may I trouble you to send me whatever data you may perhaps have on the Jules Dupré landscape drawing purchased by John Goelet and on deposit here. Perry Rathbone is organizing a Barbizon School exhibition for 1963, and this drawing should be a candidate.

With kind regards.

Peter A. Wick
Peter A. Wick
Assistant Curator