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March 31st., 1945.
Dear Mr. Milliken: 

I am in receipt of your letter of March 30th., in which I duly found two checks drawn on The Cleveland Trust Company - 

 one being for the Forty-Give Thousand Dollars 
 ($45,000.) made to the order of Godfrey S. Rockefeller, 

 the other being for Five Thousand Dollars ($5,000.) and
 made out to my firm. 

I am forwarding today to Lt. Col. Godfrey S. Rockefeller by Registered Mail, the check made out to his order and being in full payment for your purchase of the portrait of GOYA of ARCHITECT CUERVO, as per enclosed copy. 

I am also forwarding a check for Twenty-five hundred Dollars ($2500.) to Mrs. A. Stewart Walker, who, as I wrote you previously, acted as Lt. Col. Rockefeller's representative. 

May I send to you and Mr. Henry S. Francis my congratulations on the addition of this new "jewel".

With many thanks for your prompt remittance, 
and with personal regards,
Yours very sincerely,

(Germain Seligmann)

William M. Milliken, Esq.,
Cleveland Museum of Art,
Cleveland, Ohio.