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November 16th., 1942.

Dear Mr. Milliken:

Your very nice letter of November 14th., with its pleasant tidings, has just reached me, and I too am extremely happy that this lovely painting should enter your permanent collection.

Your suggestion as regards the final payment of $9,000., but the end of the year, is perfectly agreeable to me, and as per your request, I am sending you herein, the invoice covering this purchase.

May I say that I am very proud to have my firm represented in your museum by this masterpiece of painting and the Dijon "Mourners" - I feel that I am thus keeping up the tradition of my father.

Asking you to kindly remember me to Mr. Henry Sayles Francis, and with personal regards,

Yours very sincerely,

(Germain Séligmann)

William M. Milliken, Esq., 
Cleveland Museum of Art,
Cleveland, Ohio.