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June 17th, 1940

Dear Mr. Milliken:

As we have been approached by different art magazines eager to publish some outstanding news in the art world, we wish to inform you that we have, of course, given no information whatsoever on the purchase by The Cleveland Museum of the two Monks from the Mackay Collection. However, you will certainly understand that we would appreciate indeed the opportunity of releasing the news in New York at the opportune time and, of course, with your permission.

In the course of your recent kind visit to our galleries, I recall that you took up this subject and, if I remember correctly, you told me that you intended to release the news of some important acquisitions by The Cleveland Museum in one of your early Bulletins, but that you did not intend to say anything about the Monks in the immediate future, as you were desirous of keeping this for later.

I suppose that you will find it more opportune to withhold the publication of the acquisition of the Monks in your Bulletin until the beginning of the next art season around October or November, at a time when such news finds the public in a better frame of mind and more interested in such things than they are in the summer.

If I am right in my impression, would you kindly let us know so that we will not release anything until the news appears in your Bulletin?

Please believe me to be - as always

Yours respectfully,

(C. M. de Hauke)

William M. Milliken, Esq.
The Cleveland Museum of Art
Cleveland, Ohio