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June 28th, 1939

Dear Mr. Milliken:

I appreciate very much your writing me in such a kind way regarding the Mackay Collection, and I know how you must feel about being unable to acquire things this season.

However, I wish to post you on a new situation regarding the four "pleurants". Mr Séligmann has just had a conversation with the people representing the Estate from which it appears that it might be possible that they would be divided. In other words, instead of having to sell them together, we might be able to sell them separately.

Should you be interested in one of these figures, do let me know. The price which is asked for the four is $80,000; i.e., $20,000 a piece.

I feel sure that for a Museum many arrangements would be possible, and I also feel -- without wishing to commit myself too much -- that the financing of this acquisition could be arranged over a long period of time, if you were to see your way clear towards such a move.

I am very sorry to hear what you say about Mr. Dalton. If you see him, please give him my best regards and convey to him my best wishes for a complete recovery. It is very sad to hear that he is in such poor health.

With renewed thanks for your kind interest,

Please believe me to be

Yours - as ever,

(C. M. de Hauke)

P.S. I would appreciate it very much if you could have your secretary return the photographs to our New York office. I am sailing for Europe this afternoon, and if I can do anything for you abroad, of course, I am at your entire disposal.

William M. Milliken, Esq.
Cleveland Museum of Art
Cleveland, Ohio


Transcription Notes:
pleurant = weeping figure (sculpture)