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Paris, April 26th 1939 

Dear Mr. Milliken, 

Upon my return from a long trip in central Europe, I find a letter from Mr. Robert Levy, one of our associates, informing me of your wish to have a frame for a Boudin painting belonging to your Museum.

I am pleased to let you know that I have taken this matter up immediately, and that I have found what I think is a very beautiful frame. I am having it shipped on May 4th to New York.

Furthermore, I am also glad to report that I have taken care of the matter in connection with the golden jewel, about which we spoke in December, and that I will bring back with me all necessary information for you. I think you will find it very interesting and satisfactory indeed.

I plan to sail also on May 4th., arriving in New York on May 10th., and needless to say how happy I will be to see you if you come to New York, or if I go to Cleveland.

In the meanwhile, 
Please believe me to be,
Yours respectfully, 

(C.M. de Hauke)

Mr. Milliken
Cleveland Museum of Art, 
Cleveland, Ohio