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April 21st, 1939

Dear Mr. Milliken:

I have just had a letter from Mr. de Hauke in Paris, dated April 11th, in which he tells me that he will be very glad to take care of the frame of the Boudin for you, but he also adds that he has been in Paris so little these days that he hopes you will not be in too great a hurry for it. However, according to the tone of his letter, I am sure you can count on him. Perhaps it might be wise if you would give me some sort of a "deadline" for this.

He also adds that he will send you the information concerning a "little hat ornament" as soon as he can obtain it. I am sure you will know what this means.

With best regards,

Yours very sincerely,

(Robert M. levy)

William M. Milliken, Esq.
The Cleveland Museum of Art
Cleveland, Ohio