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February 8th, 1939

Dear Harry:

Could you tell me to whom we could address a letter in connection with borrowing one or two of the Lautrecs belonged to Frank Ginn, particularly the "Clowness".

Mrs. Sam Lewisohn's large charity exhibition held for the Public Education Association is being organized at our galleries this spring, the title being "The Stage" in which connection we are very anxious to try to get the above-mentioned pictures.

Any help that you can give us in this regard will be greatly appreciated, but I am anxious to have Mrs. Lewisohn write a letter to the proper parties requesting the loan formally.

I haven't seen you in ages. Have you been east at all this year?

All good wishes to you and Frances.

As ever -

Yours sincerely,

(Robert M. Levy)

Henry Sayles Francis, Esq.
Cleveland Museum of Art
Cleveland, Ohio