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March 25, 1952

Dear Mr. Francis:

Mr. Seligman does indeed seem to be having a busy trip as until this morning when a few lines came by airmail all of his messages had been cabled from various points in Europe. 

It was nice of you to write so promptly that you will welcome the second Redon frame. It will be shipped with the other within the coming few days.

As regards the bill, if it is perfectly agreeable to you, this amount will be included when the final computation of the Redon exhibition expenses is drawn up. It is our feeling that all the expenses are now known, but are waiting for the acknowledgment by Amsterdam. 

It would have been a pleasure to welcome you in Mr. Seligman's absence, but time slips by so quickly when one is on a mission that I can realize you were very pressed. 

Yours very sincerely, 

Mrs. T.D. Parker

Mr. Henry S. Francis
The Cleveland Museum of Art
Cleveland 6, Ohio