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January 5, 1952

Dear Mr. Milliken:

A few days ago I received a letter from Mr. Bernard Dorival of the Musee Nationale d'Art Moderne, 2 rue de la Manutention, Paris XVI, advising me of a great retrospective exhibition of Rouault which his museum is organizing concurrently with Le Palais des Beaux-Arts, Brussels, and the Musee Municipal of Amsterdam.

He writes that Mr. Rouault is particularly anxious to include the "Head of Christ" which was mine and has since become part of the permanent collection of your museum.

However, not being posted about the latter development Mr. Dorival asks me, should I have sold the painting, to give him the name and address of the new owner. As it is my principle never to disclose any such news, I am asking for your permission to post him accordingly. He adds that should I not be able to give him the name and address of the new owner, would I convey such an invitation directly to the latter.

The dates he indicates are:

Brussels, March 10 - May 1.
Amsterdam, May 10 - June 30.
Paris, July 5 - October 15.

He further adds that all such paintings coming from American collections most probably will be centralized in New York in care of the Cultural Attache to the French Embassy, which will take care of forwarding them.

I will be much obliged to you for letting me know how you would like me to answer Mr. Dorival.

Yours very sincerely,

(Germain Seligman)

Mr. William W. Milliken
The Cleveland Museum of Art
Cleveland 6,