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October 15th., 1951.

Dear Miss Burchfield:

answering your note of the 23rd., we are charging visitors One dollar for the Redon catalogues purchased from us. There is, however, no indication whatsoever of any price on the catalogue itself.

Within the coming week you will receive the five hundred copies ordered for your museum. May I ask you to be good enough to advise your receiving department that they will be addressed to the attention of Mr. N. S. Francis, and that the shipper's name will appear as Terminal Photo Offset Co., here in New York.  They are being sent prepaid, so nothing will be collected at your end.

Trusting that they will be liked in Cleveland,

Yours very sincerely,

Mrs. T. D. Parker

Miss Louis H. Burchfield,
Associate Curator of Paintings,
The Cleveland Museum of Art,
Cleveland 6, Ohio.