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September 5, 1951

Dear Mr. Milliken:

Upon my return to New York I found on my desk the so very attractive and interesting catalogue of the Edward B. Green collection of portrait miniatures, which had been sent with your compliments. 

I hasten to thank you for this charming attention and do want you to know how much I appreciate it, not only the exquisite physical presentation of this so very useful book of reference but also because it reminds me of my youth when miniatures were so much in vogue, and I recall so vividly the collections of J.P. Morgan, David Weil, and Grand Duke Nicolas Michailovitch. How distant all this is. 

At the same time I found the Cleveland Museum of Art Bulletin of June, and it is indeed very impressive. 

May I extend to you and Mr. Henry S. Francis my congratulations of this new group of purchases, which must fill you with great pride and satisfaction. 

If I had already heard of the two magnificent Tiepolos I did not know on the other hand of the sensational group of Saint Porchaire, and of the Antioch silver treasure. 

I am afraid to say more about them lest you might take it as flattery, but what a wonderful group they constitute.

Trusting I may have soon the opportunity of seeing you in Cleveland and view your new "chef d'Oeuvres", and with renewed thansk,

Yours very sincerely,

Mr. William M. Milliken
The Cleveland Museum of Art
East Boulevard and Bellflower Road
Cleveland 6, Ohio

(Germain Seligman)