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September 5, 1951

Dear Henry:

Ethlyne and I are back in New York and I duly received your charming letter of August 31, for which I thank you.

Mrs. T.D. Parker has of course kept me fully posted about the correspondence she has had with you over the summer months, and I am looking forward to receiving shortly your own introduction for the Redon show, but, whereas I was counting upon you for editing or [[strikethrough]] suppress [[/strikethrough]] correcting my own few suggestions, you leave it to me to edit, now, how could I do this!

When we shall have all the papers assembled we will see how they all dovetail.

Meanwhile, be apprised of the fact that up to a couple of days ago we ran into such a snag that I became quite doubtful as to the possibility of holding this exhibition, as of all things the Dutch government had held up the whole shipment of Redons.

However, through influential friends I have been assured by cable just received that they were being released.

In any case, should the shipment, which has been ordered by air-express, be too late for our own show, let me assure you that it would then go first to you and I would hold mine after yours.

I am only writing you this now after having received this confirmation as I did not want you to share in my anxiety of the last few days.

I am writing a letter to Mr. Milliken, though I do not know whether he is already back in Cleveland. I did want to thank him for the exquisite catalogue of the Edward B. Greene collection; what a charming group it must be, and particularly to congratulate you both on the overwhelmingly beautiful purchases referred to in your June bulletin.

It is not one, but a crown of feathers you should both put in your caps.

I have made a note of your friend, Nicolas Psacharapoulos, and am certain we still have a catalogue of the "Stage" to give him. It is indeed a small present to make.

Now, last but not least, I want Frances and you to know that in our new apartment we dispose of a guest bed, which will always
