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in our Midst and labors for our common interest in temporal as well as spiritual affairs.

Resolved 7th.

That we believe the schools should be taught in the churches, and that its rights or Privileges should not be encroached upon by either church denominations at least so long as it does not encroach upon theirs.

Resolved 8th.

That we disapprove of the late act in trying to close the doors of the A.M.E. church against the night-school and believe it is an encroachment upon the rights of the school and further believe it is only the 1st step towards breaking up the day-school.

Resolved 9th.

That we will endeavor to treat kindly those persons who by their act has tried to disgrace our cause an people.

Rev. S.P. Anderson. Secretary

Transcription Notes:
grammatical or spelling errors on last part