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punishment shall operate as satisfaction of the judgement in the particular case if the offenders herein described shall be apprehended and undergoing trial for the offense about which the suit for damages is brought the court or in vacation the presiding Judge of the Court may on a proper showing suspend proceedings in the suit for damages until the result of the trial of the apprehended person shall be known.

Section 8
Be it further enacted that it shall be duty of the County Solicitor to prosecute the suit for the claimants which may be brought in the name of the widow husband or any one of the heirs though a minor for which he shall receive ten per centrum of the amount recovered

Section 9 
Be it further enacted that the laws of the State as to principals and accessories shall govern in all suits brought under the provisions of this act

Section 10
Be it further enacted that if those entitled to sue as provided in this act will not do so in twelve months from the time they are allowed to commence suit then the Solicitor shall commence and prosecute the suit in the name of the State versus the County and the amount recovered shall be appropriated for the benefit