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A RESOLUTION to provide for the removal of the wreck of the steamship Scotland. 
Resolved by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, That the Secretary of War be, and he is hereby, authorized and directed to cause the removal of the wreck of the iron steamship Scotland, now on the bar outside of Sandy Hook, near the entrance to the harbor of New York, and the sum of one hundred thousand dollars, or so much thereof as may be necessary to complete said removal, is hereby appropriated. The Secretary of War shall, after notice given in one or more newspapers in the cities of Philadelphia, New York, and Boston, receive sealed proposals for the removal of said wreck, and make contract for the same with the lowest bidder therefor. Said contract will in no case exceed in amount the sum herein appropriated. 
Approved, January 29, 1867. 

A RESOLUTION providing for the payment of certain Kentucky militia forces. 
Resolved by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, That the Secretary of War be, and he is hereby, directed to cause to be investigated the claims of the forces called out under the command of Jame S Fish, in May, eighteen hundred and sixty-two, and to pay the said forces at the same rates for actual service rendered, while absent from their homes, as was allowed by law to other volunteer forces in the military service at the date specified; and in estimating the amount due said militia forces, the officers thereof shall be said as of the grade to which the number of men would have been entitled under the mustering regulations if the army in force at the date specified. And no allowance shall be made for any troops which did not perform actual military service in full connection and cooperation with the authorities of the United States and subject to their order.
Approved, February 8, 1867.