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thirteenth, eighteen hundred and sixty-two, and renewed March thirtieth, eighteen hundred and sixty-three, by which the said island was leased to the United States, and is now occupied by the same. 
Approved, February 18, 1867.

VIII..[PUBLIC-No. 37.] 
AN ACT to establish and to protect national cemeteries. 
Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, That in the arrangement of the national cemeteries established for the burial of deceased soldiers and sailors, the Secretary of War is hereby directed to have the same enclosed with a good and substantial stone or iron fence; and to cause each grave to be marked with a small headstone, or block, with the number of the grave inscribed thereon, corresponding with the number opposite to the name of the party, in a register of burials to be kept at each cemetery and at the Office of the Quartermaster General, which shall set forth the name, rank, company, regiment, and date of death of the officer or soldier; or if unknown, it shall be so recorded. 
SEC. 2. And be it further enacted, That the Secretary of War is hereby directed to cause to be erected at the principal entrance of each of the national cemeteries aforesaid a suitable building to be occupied as a porter's lege; and it shall be his duty to appoint a meritorious and trustworthy superintendent, who shall be selected from enlisted men of the army, disabled in service, and who shall have the pay and allowances of an ordnance sergeant, to reside therein, for the purpose of guarding and protecting the cemetery and giving information to parties visiting the same. The Secretary of War shall detail some officer of the army, not under the rank of major, to visit annually all of said cemeteries, and to inspect and report to him the condition of the same, and the amount of money necessary to protect them, to sod the graves, gravel and grade the walks and avenues, and to keep the grounds in complete order; and the said Secretary shall transmit the said report to Congress at the commencement of each session, together with an estimate of the appropriation necessary for that purpose. 
SEC. 3. And be it further enacted, That any person who shall wilfully destroy, mutilate, deface, injure, or remove any monument, gravestone,