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Bureau Refugees, Freedmen and Abandoned Lands.
Office Superintendent of Education
Nashville, Tenn. Sept. 1st 1869.

Rev. J. W. Alvord
Genl. Supt of Schools, Bu R. F & A. L.
Washington D.C.

In reply to your communication of the 24th. ulto I have the honor to state that I am satisfied with the teachers blank Ed. form No 3.
Our teachers of Tennessee understand it in its present form and with few exceptions have no difficulty in making it out correctly. My only  complaint is that viz many of the teachers are dilatory in furnishing it to this office. 

Very respectfully, 
your obedient servant, 
C E Compton
Bvt Lt Col USA Supt of Education

Transcription Notes:
for the [[indians and]] part, Im not too sure if its saying that or [[individuals]]. The sentence from Frank E up to "correctly" made little sense to me, so please double check my attempt.