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0105 67 Bureau Refugees Freedmen and Abandoned Lands Office Supt of Education Nashville, Tenn. Sept. 7 1869. Bvt. Brig Gen'l G. W. Balloch Chief Disbursing Officer, Bu R F and A. L. Washington D.C. Sir: I have the honor to reforward the voucher in favor of Denny Wilson amounting to $75.00/100 and of Leander Grant amounting to $150.00/100 for repairs on school houses at Clarksville and Cleveland Tenn, respectively. The property mentioned herein I have taken up and accounted for on my property return for the month of Sept 1869. I also forward an original copy of the contract in each case and certified copies of the authority with which the same was made. Very respectfully Your obedient servant C. E. Compton Bvt Lt Col USA Supt of Education