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Oct. 11th  9.
Rev. J. Sabine Knight
Maryville Tenn.

I have the honor to inform you that I am authorized to spend the sum of One hundred (#100.00) dollars in repairs upon and furniture for the School for Freedmen at Maryville Tenn. under your charge on condition that the furniture be made and described as permanent fixtures.

You will please cause a contract to be entered into with responsible party to make the repair and furniture such as desk seats. tables blackboards &c. in which the quantity of the materials shall be specified also the price per M.M. or as the case by be.

The contract may be made between Bvt. Lt. Col. C. C. Compton U.S.A. Supt of Ed. Bu R F & A L for State of Tenn and the party whom you may select.  Send duplicate copies of the contract to this office and upon the approval of the same one will be returned to you with authority to go on with the work.

Very respectfully
Your obedient servant.
C. C. Compton
Bvt. Lt. Col. U.S.A. Supt of Ed.