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November 15th 9

Rev. P.M. Bartlett
Chairman. Building Committee. Maryville College
Maryville Tenn. 

I have the honor to acknowledge the receipt of Vouchers signed by you amounting to #1814. 61/100 for materials furnished and #1400. 16/100 for services rendered in rebuilding Maryville College, Tenn. and to notify you the same have this day been approved at this office and forwarded to the Chief Disbursing Officer of Bu R F & A L for payment.

The Vouchers for Iron work amounting to #321. 66/100 I herewith return for correction. You will perceive in the corrected vouchers that I have included the a/c. [[?]] 284 in the price of the cellar grates, putting them at 91½ Cents each instead of 98 cents and the item extra work on window sills #472. I have included in the numbers [[65?]] pounds of iron in the 73 window sills counting the [[?]] lbs at 43/44 per lb instead of $286 [[?]] if you will please sign the Voucher and request the Unionville Iron Co to make their bills in duplicate in accordance with the same.

This correction is made in order to obviate the necessity of making a set of Vouchers for services rendered amounting to the sum of #4 99/100 the price charged for a voyage and extra work.

C. E. Compton.
Bvt. Lt. Col. U.S.A
Supt. of Ed. Tenn.

Transcription Notes:
---------- Reopened for Editing 2023-08-11 22:40:59