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November 15th 9. 
Rev. J. Sabine Knight
Marysville Tenn.

Sir: I have the honor to acknowledge the receipt of your communication of the 
11th with duplicate Contracts for repair &c to your school, enclosed.
    The amount of material to be furnished as well as the price not having been stated therein, I herewith order the same. I also send you a contract (in triplicate ) which you will please use. Entering the same the several items as
per accompanying memoranda to which you will please add the price per desk, table, black-board, and ph. m. for the lumber for partition and Fencing.
   Have the three copies signed in the presence of witness and return the same to this office as early as possible.
Very respectfully
Your obedient servant
C E Compton
Bvt Lt Col U S A
Supt of Ed