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Mon. eve.

Dear child-

I wish you could have seen how the dear Uncle got on today - I told him I would have to give you his itinerary! Dr. W. came at 9 - & [[crossed out]] we [[/crossed out]] opened an abcess on his leg - left there by one of the hypodermics - Miss L. said he did not mind

[[top margin]] Hope you had a great time at the wedding. I read Anna's letter to Uncle Will. Much love to you dear child. it was so great to have you.

[[/top margin]]

room when it is hot. There will he no more guests & he can stay in the guest room any time. We had 5 Chinese boys to dinner tonight. Very nice. Eliza was down stairs & Miss L. had her dinner up in Uncle W's room. He is wonderfully bright & took an interest in the party. Kitty sold a lot of old iron out of the green house. For 60 cts. & with your gift feels very rich. Katie was much pleased with the 50

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underlines are not required to be noted, don't transcribe '&' as 'and' per instructions transcribe as it is written, please read instructions