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Thursday, November 18, 1875.

Miller came to clean the parlor
Spent all the A.M. with her working in parlor. Practised after dinner and tried to improve my hat. Took it to pieces & E. will make it over  
Went to Crits and had nice lesson.
Took little Finnish duet. Had note from M. Cope saying they would all come on Monday. Large package from Siv. Has shells and such landscapes for me to do if I wish. Prof Cope & he will perhaps come out to-morrow! L. Grant approves of her picture. Was dreadfully sleepy and tired in the evening and no one came but Hamilton to varnish moulding in dining room. A hard day.

Friday, November 19, 1875.
Dressed for Siv & Cope but received telegram saying they would come early next week. Spent most of the morning writing note to Miss Jackson about Miss Lynch. Thanked her for sending us obituary and subscribed $5.00 to the 1000 dollar bond for Miss C.L.  
Cut out a shirt for self before dinner.
Practiced after and basted shirt. Lovely new carpet came for Aunt Em - from Miss Hetty. I made my hat & it is quite pretty. Went with Miss Koney to meet up G. Walker & sister but they have gone to Mr Dana's.
Went to the [[Esté?]] & made a pleasant cake. F.E. has got home. I wrote to P. Dallas to come on Monday. Very sleepy arriving. "F. of K." No one came.

Transcription Notes:
-> Cecilia Beaux's t-crossings regularly lag and so are easily mistaken for a dash