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Friday, December 10, 1875.

After doing kitchen work had my quiet time in my room & went to my drawing. Drew till the bell rang at about 11½ & I was obliged to go to the door where stood Miss Whitaker. She staid about an hour was cordial to her but not fussing! Sewed & practiced after dinner till it was time to go to Crits. Had fun there. Mrs B. & Eunice came in for a minute. Walked home in lovely moonlight. Uncle C. came to tea. Settled myself for quiet evening to try and finish dress to wear to-morrow when Charlie. B. came asking us to go to Franklin Tate & I ought to finish my dress but I ached to go and did. Lovely lecture. Acoustics. Walked home with Charlie. Em with P.D. Met Etta at B's & after experiments & fun P.D. "asisted"
Charlie to take us home. Charlie was lovely & I am so stupid. A very pleasant day.

Saturday, December 11, 1875.

Went to my lessons as usual. Girls don't get on very fast but Lila is doing her picture beautifully & I am very careful & particular. Did not finish my new dress to wear as I had hoped to and had to go with E. who met me at Miss Murgitroyd's to call on Hettie B. Alice in my old brown one. Girls only just up after a party & it was nearly 1.o'clk!
Did not see them but saw Mary who is growing so bright & pretty. Stopped for our best hats. Got very tired. Mine is larger fawn colored felt trimmed with silk & feather to match & will have dark blue fall trimming. Sewed when I got home & ditto all the evening. No one came. Finished over-skirt. Had splendid letter from Uncle E. yesterday. Had rec'd our letters & read just starting for [[?]]. Tiresome day.