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Ther. Sun. Jan. 28, 1906 Wea. 
I went to telephone and bill. Done. wrote and worked. packing. Mrs. Hill at 12.30 with Harry to lunch at Westminster. Comforting. at 4.30 Dr Befino Corinna &  children. Then J. Coolidge. A. Blake & A.P.A Beruharat [[?]] & good-bye.

Ther. Monday 29 Wea. 
off for Phila - 10. Limited him child. J. Coolidge Katrine & Harry at station others seeing off Beruharat D. met us. I to B.G.B. Saw all. Lovely time. R. for moment. good.. at 8. to Phila. Arr. 10.46 no bags. To Gladstone, awful & long. but too tired to mind. notes fr Harry [[?]] & J. Biddle

Ther. Tuesday 30 Wea.
J. :a,bert - first thing Lookes at review. To his on to all things. He lends mark. Jo Peart and [[?]] Buzzled. Mrs Lewis at 1.30 to lunch & talk clothes. Then back. John later and there 813 to dinner. A. Borie. home early met him in street.

Ther. Wed. Jan. 31, 1906 Wea. 
John & decided to stay for St. at Gladstone. much fix in & shopping. lunch. at Wares. 
John Wwile out. Harry 6. and we were Together, I took C. Lewis to dinner. He came after and played. Then Jim & Solange on way home

Ther. Thursday, Feb. 1 Wea. 

First thing working on pose & light. Hard. at one-three. to A.J. Migs lunch. Very nice time Men back, fixing. Harry at 5.30. good talk. Dinner in room Thorston Oakly. 
much talk till 9. Then bed.

Ther. Friday 2 Wea.
Mrs L. ill not come. shopped in South st. Then worked at room. lunch leavings of dinners & shopping. 
at 6. Emma Randall Mrs Caroline Sinkler, and Hnery,