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Ther. Tues. July 3, 1906 Wea.
Warm over for a moment. as Joannas taking break on porch. A.P.A. on rock. Asked me to go up to see shutters. Very nice. Showed books. [[?]][[?]][[?]]. Came a moment as [[?]], I went to Barwicks. Prof Branley, Miss [[?]], [[?]][[?]][[?]].

Wednesday 4 Wea.
No matting. Joanna came over and sent away callers. Sent girls off on [[?]], and A.P.A. came in for letter about chairs pretty nice. Trying - annes, B ask, Brown Caroline. J is then [[?]] and C is , [[?]] A.P.A. then [[?]] [[?]]..

Ther. Thursday 5 Wea.
Waiting. Bath. din out wonderful day and moonlight. Went and to [[?]] but found little- G. with [[?]] [[?]]. Caroline alone... and little path in afternoon with A. Blake.

Ther. Fri. July 6, 1906 Wea.

[[B?]] out. [[?]] early. Bath, nap. McCarty at B. 2 1/2 hrs Tues /[[Monday?]]. Anne B and thus [[?]]. etter for H.C.G. & [[?]] [[?]]
Perfect beauty but.. [[?]], park in [[?]] will, walked to lower trellis. Went in to I's.

[[we.?]] Saturday 7 Wea.

Another perfect day. Sent words to [[?]] and [[?]] [[?]]. [[?]] [[?]] cut grass and din path to studio - Son ready for [[?]] [[?]] lunch Caroline & Anna B too. [[?]] time but soon over. Jo in for short time. [[?]] here with J. No one but Mrs. G sleepy [[?]] we rain.

Ther. Sunday 8 Wea.

Anna & B. went to church I got aunt E. Up. Lunch out. Joanna & Lasindre came at Din time & A. [[?]]. were having [[?]] in cloister when Louis Wugh came. So [[nice?]]. He & Lasindre stayed till 6.50. [[?]] I went to B's to dinner. a.p.a [[?]] with Victor  [[?]] [[?]] [[?]]. Good Day.