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Ther. Mon. Oct. 1, 190
Beautiful day, wrote in [?] on side porch in sun To drive to [Lost?] Farm in afternoon. Perfect beauty[?] back by great [?]. Very cold, [?] in we.[?] are reading.

Ther. Tuesday 2 Wea.
[?] perfect day, a little from [?] bring [?] at. [?] ally down on Sunday. always our prise [?] able to take thu rebound enjoy it splendia talk will R.W.g [?] ida [?] drive to Feruside, quiit we.

Ther. Wednesday 3 Wea.
[?] [?] F.B.[?]. G. & T all day jouring. Shavana E. [?]ch. Talk with [?] Bubler. Luts getting home. good[?] [?] a [?] Coolidge, Postal for Harry.

Ther. Thurs. Oct. 4, 1906 Wea.
[?] for trucks, [?] to S. [little] E. leap, and  [?] four llin lcideds [?] absurb drawing. Nilla lus Calif. Thus Davidge, Before Sup telephone for Harry g. C[?] for right [?], F. Wharton [?]

Ther. Friday 5 Wea.
H.S. [?] [?]. Miss Nichols [?] found in cloister [?] we [?] I's porch - [?] of [?], A. Blake Corne. in writing divided work up E till Tues.

Ther. Saturday 6 Wea.
[F?] receive reo [?] worked all A. ll in [?]  [?] [?] wishing for Sunday launch. Wateleia [?] in crain. [?] E. [?] [?] - [?] good. [?] at B. Luccuh failure. Wording at tel at 5. Bhouos Corefort their accertion tel. [?] [?] R.R. and down. [underlined]