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Ther.   SUN. DEC. 30, 1906   Wea. 
Awful sore throat and in bed. At 12. Called for Rockwell. Very sick all day. Saw Joanna for moment. Could not go of course to Heidekopers or concert. Dr came at 6.20. Very bad evening and night. D. The grippe

Ther.   MONDAY 31   Wea. 
A little better. J. went to G. with Templeman. Dozed & endured. Heidekopers & Coolidge calling up to know. Also H. [[strikethrough]] the [[/strikethrough]] at 12. Rain all day. Saw no one all day but Anna - who took good care and rubbed me down. horrid last day. of 1906. Thought much of dear ones gone, and of illnesses in past times. Awake much in night and heard bells at 12. 

Jan 1st 1907
Better & first thing was a note from A.P.A. from New York nice but rather tardy. Also a lovely reproduction. of Jean Jules Boissière fr Avignon

Roses & note fr. H.G. & lovely pink ones with orchids from Mrs Bliss. Wrote a little and was soon tired, dozed and nibbled - Joanna at four, then got up. Lay by fire room lovely. Rosalind. Then H.C.G. supper and alone the rest of the time. Roses fr Belle. Anna rubbed down very good night. 

Transcription Notes:
A couple words that aren't clear. Other than that, it's done. Second go round ~ not sure of artist's name end of third paragraph.