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October 22nd. a 3 a.m. air-raid. Neither the Professor nor the Signora S. came down to the refuge. We were told that they had taken sleeping draughts. So we sat facing the "sfollati's" two maids who began at once and without restraint to air their own views based on hearsay and penny-dreadfuls. The crashing of bombs, however, soon turned these views into feelings and the result was much hysterical screaming and groaning.

October 23rd. Air-raid at noon over Rifredi (northern section of Florence).

October 25th. André Demaison spoke very much to the point over Radio Vichy: "L'Europe chavire. Tout le monde sauf les imbéciles sont inquiets." Two important bridge-heads have been erected by the Russians on the west bank of the Dnieper.

In pessimistic mood we continue to wait and wait. We wonder at all human efforts; at those other hard-won inner bridge-heads set up without rhyme or reason. Illusions which, like all else, will fade into that "outer space forlorn" that surrounds us.

Man but one with the shadows; his desolation the shadow of a greater desolation.

October 28th. The meeting of the Fascist Party to commemorate the birth of Fascism. We must expect much bombing today. What one people may find worthy to commemorate, another people may find reason to desecrate.