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August 12th. Our Professor Sfollato was taken away by the English this morning, and his wife was refused leave to see him. He was not dressed, she told us, no hat, no jacket. She went down to where she understood he had been taken, with a valise containing necessities and a fresh egg wrapped up in cotton. We have known for some time that his name is on the black list with other prominent Fascists, although he had renounced Fascism ever since Italy declared war on England and America.
Agust 12th. Great rejoicings. The wife of another imprisoned Italian has brought news of the Professor. He is interned with ten others and the English have given him cigarettes, tea and biscuits - important items to the old Professor. Nothing to worry about for the present.
Our neighbors looked in to tell us about the extraordinary girl pianist whom they housed for a few days. This girl has fallen in love with a German General; her mother has heart attacks.
Last night we went down to a room in the basement, to try to sleep. The noise was dreadful. English cannons have been set up in the Viale not a hundred metres away and the Germans are aiming at these. Five shells fell into our Podere, throwing down olive trees.
August 14th. Signora Sfollata is in despair. She saw her husband and he told her that he had to sleep in the cellar without a